At Vocal Health Education we want to make sure that you have all the help and information that you need. We will reply to every email within 48 hours, and often sooner. Please note that replies will be slower on evenings and weekends.
Please visit the relevant FAQs for more information

Vocal Health First Aid course
Please read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions. You can contact our Course Manager on vh**@vo*********.uk
I want to purchase the Vocal Health First Aid course, but it’s sold out!! How can I purchase the course?
We limit the places available on our VHFA qualification each month in order to maintain a ‘hands on’ individualised experience. If the places are sold out, you will have another chance to register for your VHFA qualification next month!
How long do I have to complete the Vocal Health First Aid Course?
You have 6 weeks to watch the course material and complete the final quizzes.
How do I know when my exact deadline is?
The 6-week timer starts from the time you initially purchased the course. For example, if you purchased the course at 10:26am, your deadline is 6 weeks later at exactly 10:26am.
Are there subtitles available in the videos?
Yes – click the ‘CC’ icon in the bottom right corner of the video.
Do I need to book my final assessment interview inside my 6-week deadline?
No – you can book this assessment after the deadline. However, you must book it within 21 days of passing your final quiz.
I purchased the course and got a payment receipt, but I never got a confirmation email with instructions on how to log in…
Have you checked your spam/junk folder?
Yes – still nothing
Contact Eimear using the contact form above and she will get you sorted.
I accidentally registered an incorrect email address for the course. How can I update my email to the correct one?
Use the contact form below to send the correct address to Eimear and she will update your account for you.
I'm stuck on a video despite clicking 'Complete & Continue'. How do I move on to the next video?
You must watch the full video before clicking ‘Complete & Continue’.
If you have done this and you are still not able to progress to the next lecture, try hard refreshing your browser, disabling any third-party browser extensions, and clearing your browser cache.
If none of these options work, contact Eimear using the contact form above.
If I fail a quiz, what should I do?
You will automatically be offered one more chance to resit the quiz. One retake is at no extra cost to you.
If you fail the quiz again you will need to resit the unit, which is subject to a £25 administration fee.
If you haven’t heard from our VHFA Course Manager within 48 hours of failing, please reach out at vh**@vo*********.uk
I‘m worried that I may fail it again, what should I do?
If you’re not sure where you went wrong in the quiz, we recommend a Tutorial before resitting it. We offer a combination product of Unit Resit + Tutorial for £65. Contact Eimear above for more information.
How do I find out what the exact correct answers in the quiz were?
We don’t send out an answer key to the quiz. However, you can book a tutorial with Eimear, the VHFA Course Manager, where you can find out which answers were incorrect and areas you would benefit from revisiting. It is £55 for a tutorial which will last up to 30 minutes. For more details contact Eimear using the contact form above.
How do I schedule in for my final interview?
Once you pass the final quiz you should be prompted with a link to book in for your final interview. If you didn’t receive this prompt after passing your quiz, please reach out to Eimear using the Contact form above for the booking link.
Can I still access the online content while revising for my final interview?
No. Once the 6-week deadline has passed, you will no longer have access to the online content. You will need to rely on your own notes and the slides that are available to download with each video.
What happens if I fail my final interview?
You will receive a detailed feedback form from your assessor outlining the areas you need to revisit. Once you have confirmed your intention to resit and paid the Unit 8 resit fee of £67, you will be granted 2 weeks’ access to the course material again. You must resit your interview by the end of this 2 week period.
How long does it take to process my certification?
It can take up to 4 weeks to fully process your Vocal Health First Aid certification. In order to prevent delays in processing your certification, please ensure that you have returned your signed paperwork to the assessor after your final interview.
I passed my certification three years do I renew it?
If you have been an Accredited Member of VHE for at least one year before your course expiration date, your certification status will be renewed for another three years.
[Cost: £7 per month. Purchase membership here]
If you are not an Accredited Member of VHE, you will need to sit your VHFA exam again. You will have 4 weeks’ access to the course content, during which time you must book in for your assessment.
[Cost: £92. Purchase VHFA Cert Renewal here]
If you have moved on to the Vocal Habilitation Professional course, your VHFA certification remains renewed automatically. If you would like a renewed certificate, please reach out to us by email.
I am completing the Vocal Habilitation Professional course - do I need to keep renewing my VHFA certificate?
No. Your VHFA certification remains renewed automatically while you are completing your VHP journey. If you would like a renewed certificate from VHFA, please reach out to us by email.

Vocal Habilitation Professional course
Please read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions. You can contact our Course Manager on vh*@vo*********.uk.
I want to purchase the Vocal Habilitation Professional course, but the website is bringing me to a waitlist. How can I purchase the course?
We run each VHP course in cohorts to maintain a ‘hands on’ individualised experience. If you are being directed to a waitlist, it means we are not currently accepting students. If you sign up for the waitlist, you will be the first to know when you can purchase a spot on the next cohort.
How do I know when my exact deadline is for Module 1?
The 120-day timer starts from the exact time you initially purchased the course.
Do I have to finish the Module 1 test inside my 120-day deadline?
Yes. In exceptional circumstances, and at our discretion, we will grant extensions.
How long does the course take to complete?
The complete course ( 4 modules) takes a minimum of approximately 6 months. Some people take longer. The average time is 8 months.
Module 1 – up to 4 months to complete
Module 2 – live group classes – approximately 2 months
Module 3 – live mentoring – approximately 45 days
Module 4 – including completing and submitting reflective workbook, one month.
Do I have to attend the group classes live or are there catchup recordings?
Yes! This is interactive, real time learning and some of your participation in these classes forms part of your final assessment mark. You must attend live.
I've been logged out of my Teachable account, what do I do?
Request a password reset (do also check your junk folder) and if having further problems, please contact Sally.
If I fail the Module 1 test, what should I do?
You will automatically be offered a chance to retake the test. One retake is at no extra cost to you.
How do I find out what the exact correct answers in the test were?
Vocal Habilitation Professional course
We don’t send out an answer key to the test. However, you can book a tutorial with one of the experts on the VHP team where you can find out which answers were incorrect and areas you would benefit from revising. This is £55 for a tutorial which will last up to 30 minutes. For more details contact our Course Manager here.
How do I find out what the exact correct answers in the test were?
Vocal Habilitation Professional course
We don’t send out an answer key to the test. However, you can book a tutorial with one of the experts on the VHP team where you can find out which answers were incorrect and areas you would benefit from revising. This is £55 for a tutorial which will last up to 30 minutes. For more details contact our Course Manager here.

Vocal Rehabilitation Specialist course
Please read the answers to Frequently Asked Questions. You can contact our Course Manager on vr*@vo*********.uk.
Can anyone register for this pathway?
Students need to have passed Vocal Health First Aid, then achieved a Distinction in the VHP qualification to be considered for the VRS pathway. Suitable candidates will be invited after their Module 4 assessment.
How long does the VRS qualification take?
This qualification may take between 12 months – 18 months. This depends how long it takes to complete the short courses that make up the 180 credit points. 12 months is the minimum length of time to be engaged in 1:1 supervision and mentoring.
Can courses from outside VHE count towards the 180 credit points? We endorse some courses if they are relevant to VRS training, such as Get Vocal Now’s Endoscopic Evaluation. If you have completed a particular qualification elsewhere, please notify the course manager and they will be able to tell you if it is relevant to the pathway.Are there any compulsory modules on the pathway?
Yes. All students must attend Critical Thinking and 2-day Manual Therapy with Walt Fritz. These are in-person events, held once per year. The third compulsory course is Counselling Skills for Singing Teachers. This runs twice per year and is entirely online.
After that, you choose the modules that most interest you.
Do I need to attend a voice clinic during my studies?
We ask all VRS students to observe at least one voice clinic during their time. It is in everyone’s interests to make connections with a clinical team. We offer 5 credits per visit with journalling time. Maximum of 20 credits.
We encourage all VRS students to observe at least one voice clinic during their time, and offer 5 credits per visit with journalling time. Maximum of 20 credits. .What is the supervision and mentoring process?
You will be given a choice of supervisors, all of whom are internationally recognised Singing Voice Specialists or Vocal Rehabilitation Specialists. You will be eligible for 6 1:1 supervision sessions with them, online, to be arranged between you and the supervisor. During this time you can share case histories and recordings of lessons you have conducted, with the consent of your client. In addition, group supervision sessions are run by Stephen King approximately every three months, and buddy teaching between VRS students is actively encouraged.
I have completed some of the modules that make up VRS, but I’m not ready to pay the registration. What do I do?
That’s ok. There is no “expiry date” on your study modules. Keep a record of everything you have completed and bring this list to the course manager when you do register.

Long COVID and Singing
For further information see Singing for Lung Health, as well as the links below.
National Association of Teachers of Singing (NATS)
- Reentry After COVID-19: Concerns for Singers. A June 23, 2021, webinar, which was a sequel to the 2020 NATS webinar After COVID: Concerns for Singers.
- Reentry Following COVID-19: Concerns for Singers. A Journal of Singingpre-publication article (by D. Meyer, J. Nix, L. Helding et al.) that is a follow-up to the webinar.
- #FightTheFatigue Campaign. NATS continues to communicate the importance of positive messaging and fighting the fatigue with messages you can share on social media to support one another and encourage the singing community during this time.
American Choral Directors Association (ACDA)
- COVID-19 Mitigation Strategies for Choir. A three-minute video sharing results from research by the University of Colorado and University of Maryland, which ACDA helped sponsor.
- Resources for Choral Professionals During the Pandemic. A curated page of resources, guidance, complimentary choral music, and planning tools.
- COVID-19 ACDA Response Committee Report (June 15, 2020). Guidance and a statement of support for choral singing and study during the pandemic, with protocols for MS/JH upper elementary schools, senior high schools, collegiate choirs, community choirs (youth and adult), and music in worship.
Barbershop Harmony Society (BHS)
- COVID-19 Resources for Barbershoppers. The latest resources, guidance, and planning for ensembles.
- BHS’s Pandemic Reopening Roundtable Discussion. Learn how 4 BHS choruses are managing safely reopening in their community.
- BHS’s Barbershop Live at Home Event. Singing virtually is FUN: Vocal Warm-ups, Tech Tips, Archive Video, Tags, and more! Perfect for all singing levels!
Chorus America
- What’s Next: Preparing for a Healthy, Safe Reopening. A panel of doctors with experience advising performing arts organizations and choruses shared the latest updates in COVID developments and vaccination efforts at Chorus America’s June 2021 conference.
- Prepare for Fall: Public Health Updates and Member Forums. Starting in late August, Chorus America will host a series of events to help choruses stay on top of COVID-19 developments and planning for the fall. Events include public conversations with doctors advising performing arts organizations, and Member Forums on September 14 and 16.
- Reopening Decisions: How Choral Leaders Are Bringing Singers Back Together. This article from the Summer Voice shares a framework for making difficult decisions about masks, distancing, vaccinations, waivers, and other safety protocols the course of the season.
- COVID-19 Resource Page. Find the latest guidance and resources, as well as examples of waivers and other documents from member choruses.

Other Questions
I missed a flash sale...can I still have the discounted price?
We’re sorry you missed out! But flash sales are only valid for the advertised time period.
We recommend subscribing to our mailing list and following us on social media – that way you will be the first to hear about any flash sales.